and I'm going to need to write various scripts anyway for my own use (e.g., I'm going to need something to gamma-correct svg files). Is there an API for extensions?
Sounds perhaps like you might need to do more than just base gamma-correction. There are many issues on color in general that need to be addressed. What exactly are your needs for gamma-correction, and have you skimmed any of the wiki pages on color?
Ah, thanks for pointing me to the wiki -- lots of cool information there! I have a set of textbooks that was originally done on a Mac in PageMaker and Illustrator, and which I'm now in the process of converting to LaTeX and Inkscape on Linux. I'm actually producing the printed books in black and white, so CMYK issues aren't important to me. But as I move the books from Mac to Linux, I've been switching to the appropriate PC gamma correction. This makes them look right to me on the screen, and to users on Windows. (I give the PDFs away for free on my web site, and also sell them in print. Having them look good to professors who might adopt them is important.) Up until now, I'd just been gamma-correcting the EPS output from Illustrator using a kludgy Perl script. Now that I'm actually getting set up to *edit* the files on Linux using Inkscape, I'm planning to write software to gamma-correct the svg source files themselves.