On 2007-August-29 , at 20:53 , MenTaLguY wrote:
On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 15:37:59 +0200, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
I've some GTK themes which look OK when integrated with OS X. Now if someone could tell me how to use GTK2_RC_FILES I'll be glad to try and use them in Inkscape.
I'm really hoping someone is able to get the native OS X port together soon. While it's true that it can't offer tablet support yet, it's not as if Apple's X11 server does either. And Inkscape going native Gtk might provide an incentive for someone to implement tablet support on native Gtk.
The X11 requirement indeed causes problems in the past, for the 0.45 release in particular. It seems the X11 install is somewhat flaky, and there seem to be several different situations depending on OS version, architecture, how people installed X11 and so on. An other point is speed: going through an X11 sever (and old one in addition) adds some delay but I don't know how the native GTK will compare. Other than that, being an X11 app is not so much of a problem IMHO. Indeed there are issues with tablet support but it would be as easy to add it to an X11 server than to the native GTK. But then I already have X11 on my computer for other programs so maybe I don't evaluate how inconvenient it could be to install X11 only for Inkscape. The problem I see with the GTK port is that I have been following it for a while and I did not notice any changes in the to do list for the last 6 months or so: http://developer.imendio.com/projects/gtk-macosx/todo I don't know if they had someone for the summer of code but if the project is really stalled, it does not encourage (me at least) to try to use it, as using it will probably uncover some bugs that won't be solved on their end. Does someone have some inside info on this project? Can someone contradict my impression (I really wish someone can)?
As for my little contribution in this, I was just hoping to improve the "look" of Inkscape on OS X (and an hypothetic native GTK version of Inkscape wold benefit of this as well). Unfortunately I cannot get GTK to use some theme located inside the Inkscape bundle (i.e. not in a standard location sur as .themes, /usr/share/themes etc.). GTK2_RC_FILES seems to be the variable to set for this (at least that's what gimp uses) but no matter how I set it, it does not seem to work. Any help would be appreciated.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/