bulia byak wrote:
Inkscape needs to support it (it doesn't yet) at least for the systemLanguage attribute. Then, all translations of a tutorial can be stored in one file. A translator would select each text obejct (they will need to be converted to flowed text objects, by the way) and use a command to add an alternative for his language, then type the translation. Illustrations would be shared across all languages. This way, if a new section is added but not translated yet, users of a non-English language will still see this section in English, which is better than not seeing it at all. Inkscape could provide additional help by storing the last-edited timestamps in switch'ed objects, so that a translator could find sections where the original is more recent than a translation.
There's an XML format for internationalization that we might also want to look at. TMX
Among other things, it's setup for collecting sets of translations (as opposed to being designed for holding only a single set of l10n data, as some others are). And since it's XML, we can play with XSLT to get to/from SVG.