On 13-Mar-2013 14:22, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
We probably need to draw the underlines ourselves.
If you can tell me more or less where in the code the text is drawn to the screen I will have a look at it. Since drawing a line is never hard my guess is that the text decoration information is stripped earlier in the call stack, so that the difficulty comes in modifying the code to pass the information further down the stack to where it can be used - without breaking anything else.
Note, Firefox also doesn't support text decoration. Chrome does but with some stroke artifacts (where ever the styling on the main text changes). Only Batik seems to do it right.
Opera did underline, overline, and strike-through in the test case I tried. Not blink of course, but blink is asking a bit much for a browser.
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech