Status as of revision 9070:
- Bug: Middle-button dragging and Shift-middle button zoom rubberband
still do not work.
Works for me
- Lost feature: when rotating/scaling nodes by keys and one node is
mouseovered, it is used as center of rotation and scaling.
- Lost feature: when ctrl+alt+dragging a node, it should slide along
the handles _and their perpendiculars_.
Dubious usefulness, unless this only happens when handles are collinear. Pending on a few changes to the snapping API, otherwise it will bloat the drag handler to unmanageable length.
- Lost feature: when ctrl+alt+dragging a node, and it has a linear segment on
one side, it should slide along the continuation of that segment.
- Lost feature: node sculpting. Will you work on it, or do you want
me to work on porting it?
Not started
- Bug: select a single node and rotate it by [] with or without Alt:
it rotates around some random center far away, instead of around itself.
- Lost feature: When rotating a handle with Ctrl, it now snaps to the original
position and 15 deg increments from that original position. The previous behaviour was: snap to origin, its opposite and perpendicular, to vertical/horizontal, and to 15 deg steps from vertical.
- Lost feature: create a cusp node next to a linear segment; press Shift+S; it
becomes semismooth, aligned with the segment (correct); now press Shift+S again; old behavior is to make it fully smooth, extending the second handle, but your tool does nothing.
- Lost feature: Rotating a handle with Shift before allowed to rotate
the second handle by the same angle, thus rotating a cusp node as a whole; now it does nothing.
- Suggested feature: now that we can edit multiple paths, Ctrl+A when nothing
selected should do the same in Node tool as in Selector, instead of doing nothing as now.
- Performance:
- Lost feature: the statusbar used to say how much total nodes are
Partially fixed (x of x nodes), working on subpath reporting
- Suggested feature: now that we can select multiple objects, the
statusbar hints must reflect that
I would rather show other hints than information about how many objects are selected, because this information is not very useful, and if the user really wants this information it's available by switching to the selector tool. The new paradigm of the node tool makes little distinction between subpaths in the same path and subpaths in different paths.
- Bug: when dragging a node handle, statusbar erroneously says "Move
by" instead of "Node handle:" as did the old tool.
Not a bug, there is no point in displaying "Node handle:" because this text is visible before the drag. The thing being dragged will not change during the drag so this information is redundant.
- When mouseovering a node, it says "click to select" even if it is already
Fixed. Also modified statusbar tips to include the "more:" bit - I think this is better than listing everything at once. The last hints have very little chance of being shown, and mouseovering the statusbar is impossible because those tips only appear when hovering over nodes.
- On the node deletion discussion, I found the current behavior
satisfactory: if you Del, you get curved approximation; if you Ctrl+del you get linear segment from linears. I think this is logical (unless I miss something).
Not started (waiting for some compromise to form)
- UI suggestion: since the show/hide seltrans handles button belongs
to visualization, it should be moved to the right end of the controls bar, next to node handles and node outline toggles.
I would really put it at the front, or at least after the path action buttons, because for me the association is more with modifying the path (think node transforms, rather that handle visibility)
- Crash: draw a path; ...
Should be fixed
- UI bug: create with Pen a Spiro path; ...
Not started
- Crash (somewhat hard to reproduce):
Didn't reproduce yet, but I put in some defensive checks that might have fixed it.
Regards, Krzysztof