I am using the wix tools from Rob Mensching http://wixtoolset.org/
I use those for some small projects at office.
We could bundle the bins in the devlibs folder if you want. - But we do not bundle the mingw compiler anyway. I need to dynamically build the file list because of the dynamic nature of localisation and examples files. The file list I want to create using python.
As the wix command line tools exists for win32 only the build can be done on win32 only.
Regards, Adib. --
On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Krzysztof KosiĆski <tweenk.pl@...400...> wrote:
2012/11/6 the Adib <theadib@...400...>:
Hello all,
I just want to tell that I am the half way done for an msi installer using wix.
I will post this within one week.
Currently I am not so familiar with the wix syntax. For the moment localization of the installer is not supported (but can be done).
Using wix some important functionalities are built in:
- uninstaller
- distribution on network using microsoft tools
MSI installer is a common request, great that you're working on this. Is it possible to build the new installer using a command-line tool? (I'm just wondering how it would integrate into the build process.)
Regards, Krzysztof