Tried, and personally I saw no performance gains yet (I only tried a little drawing and opening one complex file). Otherwise though, very nice to see things rendering the same as my installed copy on that more complex file. :) This was with cairo 1.9.8 for the record. I am looking forward to following this branch.
Cheers, Josh
On Tue, 2010-06-22 at 20:50 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
Please check out Krzysztof's work so far. Flat color, gradients, and now patterns are already rendered with cairo; clips and masks, filters are off.
The most exciting is that in my testing, on flat color and gradient files it's now faster very noticeably, from 30% to twice as fast depending on file and resolution. It's with cairo 1.8.8, no GPU acceleration (which as far as I know is not usable until cairo 1.10 anyway).