Yes, alt-click is a very useful feature.

But it's often very hard to know which object you're selecting, because you can't actually see it.

An alternative to the exposé concept would be to have all the overlapping objects turn semi-transparent (say 30%), except for the currently-selected object. Might be simpler to implement, and equally useful? I guess there are some pros & cons -- it'd be harder to select an object (you'd still have to cycle thru), but it would be easier to see the position & appearance of the object.

If you could use the scroll-wheel to cycle through the objects when Alt is pressed, that would make it faster, and avoid the chance of accidentally double-clicking (I do that all the time when using alt-click -- rather frustrating).

 - Bryan

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 16:03, Mark Voorhies <mark.voorhies@...2508...> wrote:
On Monday, December 06, 2010 08:18:56 pm Bryan Hoyt | Brush Technology wrote:
> +1, I love the exposé idea.
> Without knowing much about the internals of Inkscape, I'd imagine that being fairly advanced graphics software, most of the graphics-level stuff required for animation & scaling will be already in place, and the difficult part will not be creating a flashy-looking animation, but rather designing a functionality that will be intuitive.
>  - Bryan
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 23:03, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
> On 2010-12-04 19:53, Felipe Sanches wrote:
>  > I have been using inkscape a lot recently and I noticed that sometimes
>  > it can become very annoying to select svg elements that are in the
>  > middle of a pile of other elements.
>  >
>  > Thus, I was thinking that we could have a key-combo that would break
>  > appart all "hidden" shapes to allow you to select one of them, and after
>  > that, all shapes would be places back in their correct places. Sometimes
>  > I do something similar to that by hand, but an automated UI feature
>  > would be very useful. Also, it would be solely a visualization mode, not
>  > actualy modifying elements in the SVG DOM.
>  >
>  > I'd like to have some feedback on this idea.
>  > thanks,
> I like the idea, also to be able to select items that are not
>  necessarily on top of each other, but are very close (this can be very
>  frustrating, requiring very precise mousing and/or zooming).
>  For shapes that are not on top of each other I think it should just be
>  like a kind of magnifier glass, but how would you propose to "pull
>  apart" completely covered shapes? I could imagine something could be
>  done that's similar to certain graph layout algorithms. But it would
>  have to be pretty fast.
>  The menu idea mentioned by Michael might also be an option, but I have
>  some (although it was brief) experience with something like that and
>  found it a bit inconvenient, especially as you have to make a coupling
>  between the text in the menu and the objects in your image. Thumbnails
>  would help, but if they're as small as icons they might be of limited
>  use, if they get larger it may just be more natural to have a zoom-like
>  behaviour. Also, such a menu solution could make it a bit more awkward
>  to also handle selecting non-overlapping (or partially overlapping), but
>  very close, shapes.

For what it's worth, alt-click in Inkscape currently lets you cycle through the
objects under the cursor (first alt-click selects the top object, second alt-click
selects the next one down, and so on).  There is a good description of this
at the bottom of the "Basic" tutorial (Help->Tutorials->Basic).


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Bryan Hoyt, Web Development Manager  --  Brush Technology
Ph: +64 3 741 1204     Mobile: +64 21 238 7955