Erik Halbert wrote:
Josh/Bulia wrote on 20/10/06
Anyway, Scislac: I just tested your build with this change reverted and it does not crash anymore on Windows 2000. So, unless you have an idea of what might be wrong-but-fixable in that code, let's revert it in the trunk (just commit after applying that patch that I sent you).
Committed. Unfortunately, on a single pass over the code I wasn't able to see anything that looked outright wrong-but-fixable. I figure people would appreciate my time being spent on adding more tutorials rather than fixing something superficial which gives no real benefit, so backing out that change was the way to go for now.
I have just tested Build 0610211000.7z, (the most recent that I can find) which I had hoped would now work with Win2000. It does not. Inkscape still crashes and the same message as before comes up. This appears to be the same message that was reported at least as long ago as May 12. Can someone get a more recent build out for win users? and when should the fix mentioned above filter through? regards, Erik
From that screenshot it looks like you are running Inkscape directly out
of the zip archive. If you are, you can't do that. Inkscape will be completely unable to locate the libraries it needs unless you extract the archive first.
Aaron Spike