I am customizing a monochromatic icon.svg theme I found online. I notice there are several icons in the UI of Inkscape 0.91 which do not seem to get their symbols from the default icons.svg provided with Inkscape.
These icons are as follows:
- Templates — does not seem to have an icon in the default icons.svg. I created a symbol in my customized icons.svg with the ID: *templates* and *document-templates* in an attempt to fix this problem, but these IDs did not work.; - Swatches — has an icon (ID: *swatches*) but renders an icon from an unknown source; - Erase Existing Paths — has two icons (ID: *draw-eraser*, and *draw-eraser-16px*) but renders an icon from an unknown source; - Group — has an icon (ID: *selection-group*) but renders an icon from an unknown source; - Ungroup — has an icon (ID: *selection-ungroup*) but renders an icon from an unknown source.
I am using the *Evolvere* desktop theme on KDE4 (See: https://github.com/franksouza183/EvolvereSuit). Apparently, this icon theme is the source for some of the icons used by Inkscape. Perhaps there are fallback icon sources, but I was not able to locate documentation on how Inkscape manages fallback icons. It seems like Inkscape should first locate icons in icons.svg before attempting fallback.
What is the source of the other icons used by Inkscape but listed in icons.svg?
Is there a reason why "Templates" does not have an icon in icons.svg.
What is the best way to resolve these discrepancies? I looked in the application folders for Inkscape and online for the file(s) or table that maps symbol IDs in icons.svg to the elements in the GUI but was not able to find any information.
I have attached the tweaked icons.svg file that I am currently using along with some screen shots . Your help would on this is appreciated.
Thanks, — Alexi
[image: Inline image 6] [image: Inline image 4]
[image: Inline image 5]