On 2-3-2015 12:03, LucaDC wrote:
Sebastian Zartner wrote
'Save a Copy...' seems unnecessary to me, because it looks like it does the same as 'Save As...'. So it should be removed. Or does it do something different than 'Save As...'?
I use the "Save a Copy..." function a lot and I find it extremely useful.
I hear this all the time.
Its difference from "Save As..." is that with the latter the current file becomes the last saved. This means that if you open "MyFile.svg", work on it and then "Save As..." as "NewFile.svg", from now on you are working on "NewFile.svg" not on the former that you opened. This might be exactly what you want, but it could not be either if you intended to make a snapshot of your situation and continue working on the original file. This difference becomes important when you save the current file in a different format, e.g. in PDF
Or when saving a 'backup' of your work. Save a Copy is different functionality and is separate from a save as/export/import discussion.
The open/save/import/export discussion pops up every now and then, and frankly I do not see much point in it. Apparently there are people that like import/export better, others like just "save as" better. If you feel very strongly about it, go ahead and implement import/export; I think it will not change anybody's experience; just a bit of code duplication and some extra UI buttons.
cheers, Johan