Em Qui, 2013-09-12 às 07:09 -0400, Martin Owens escreveu:
Please create a bug report, we can have a look at the icon situation :-)
Okay, I'll create a bug report after the branch is merged. =)
Thanks so much for working on the feature, a quick question about the build system:
Will inkscape build without libdepixelise installed? If it's a separate library to be packaged into distributions. And should it be added to the trunk PPA build system so users can test this new feature?
Yes, Inkscape will build without libdepixelize installed. libdepixelize is a "bundled lib" on the proposed merge.
If you build libdepixelize separately you will have a depixelize-kopf2011 binary that can be used to generate SVG files outside of Inkscape (it will be very helpful to script users convert large collections of pixel art assets).
I'm not used to PPAs, but if you are wondering that the library should be installed on the build environment, then you need not to worry. Like I said some lines above, libdepixelize is a "bundled lib" on the proposed merge. And I encourage users to test the branch (just don't bother me if a really intensive gradient based image produces shit). =P