I think these mockups are great. A couple minor suggestions from the sidelines here:

As I was reading the explanation at the top and the option descriptions, I had no idea specifically what was different about the old and new Inkscape, and what would change about my file. It took me a while to read the more details, which finally gave me enough info to say "Oh, it's just converting from 90 to 96 dpi. Cool, go ahead."

This is because the explanation and descriptions describe the generic intent of the action, but not the specific cause and outcome.

It's good to have the gory technical details hidden behind a "more..." button for advanced users, but the addition of a few words above would've helped me. Something like "foobar.svg was created in an older version of Inkscape using 90 DPI and we need to make it compatible with new versions that use 96 DPI. Tell us about the file:"

It would also help to know what each of the 3 options do differently. Behind the "more..." button is fine, but the current explanation just describes two methods, not three, and doesn't clearly say which options they correspond to. It would be great if the methods described here referred back to the three options more clearly.

 - Bryan

On 26 January 2017 at 07:49, Máirín Duffy <duffy@...43...> wrote:
This is what the suggestions I made would look like:


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Bryan Hoyt, Software Developer  --  Brush Technology
Ph: +64 3 741 1204     Mobile: +64 21 238 7955
Web: brush.co.nz