2010/8/28 Valerie <valerie_vk@...36...>:
Ah, like that proposal for another part of Inkscape long ago... the one with the 3x3 square that allowed you to choose a corner. So, the possible choices would be:
- the afore-mentioned 3x3 square
- selecting a handle on-screen
- any other options to speak of?
There should be a Tile tool that would work like the selector tool, but only transform the rotation centers of objects; the objects themselves would only be translated. There could also be control points in the upper left and bottom right that would expand the "coverage area" of the tiling by creating new clones; they would snap to an integer number of clones. Extra control points would appear on the first clone in the second row and the second clone in the first row to edit per-row or per-column rotation and scaling. Editing the shifts and rotations as numbers in a dialog is just wrong.
We could also look into creating a new SP object which defines a tiling (e.g. <svg:g inkscape:type="tiling" ... >). This could make it easier to address some usability issues with the current dialog.
Regards, Krzysztof