bulia byak wrote:
This cannot be done on the trunk because SVN must be usable for work every day. And it does not seem to me that branches are a successful strategy in general. Work in branches seems rather prone to dying out soon after branching.
I don't think this is strictly true. Filters were done on a branch, and that branch didn't die until it merged back to trunk. Branches can work, but they need the support and energy of two or more coders and lots of organization.
I'm also of the opinion that cairo could make this switch much easier for us if they chose to. If only they could provide an image surface which is not premultiplied and another which uses a byte order compatible with ours on all platforms, most of our problems would be eliminated and the switch could be done very gradually, with proper community testing of every step.
Asking Cairo to dirty their API to help us along seems like quite a large request. What's stopping these things from being done on our side?
Aaron Spike