lately, I came upon this weird beavior when exporting to PDF:
I have to base documents of size A4, the only difference is that the 2nd document has a page definition.
If I open the 1st document (empty.svg, without the page definition), and export it as PDF, I get a PDF of size A4. Uncmpressing the PDF with pdftk shows a mediabox of size [0 0 595.275591 841.889764]
(divide 595.275591 by 72 and multiply by 25.4, we get 210mm, as expected)
If I now open the 2nd document (page.svg, with the page definition), and export it with exactly the same settings, I get a PDF which is slightly larger. In the Acrobat reader, it shows up as 210.3×297.0 mm, and looking at the uncompressed PDF the mediabox now has a size of [0 0 596 842], i.e. rounded up to the next integer.
(596 / 72 * 2.54 = 210.25555mm)
The PDF export options about rounding do not have any effect.
This is with Inkscape 1.3.2, I checked back with yesterday’s devel snapshot: now the empty.svg is also exported oversized (rounded up), the mediabox is now always rounded up to the next integer.