On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 20:28:23 -0400, MenTaLguY wrote:
On Sat, 2004-07-24 at 19:55, Bob Jamison wrote:
I can't find the reference right now, but I found some message on Google about how to add a text widget to the open dialog. Just set_extra_widget(Gtk::Entry), and a couple of callbacks.
We'll also need to make sure we work well with Debian somehow -- their version of the dialog already has a text entry field.
I'd really not recommend messing with the default layout in Inkscape. If people want to fork GTK over the issue they are free to do so (though i'd not really recommend that either) but I think Inkscape has to assume the GTK developers will sort things out in their own time.
I know that the lack of easy keyboardability has been a consistent sore point with people so I think there are plans to address that, if not already done so.