Dear Johan,
I'm not sure if this is quite what you were thinking of but I wondered if either of these suggestions might help:
1. In Corel Draw each type of snap is either on or off for the whole document (like inkscape), but it is possible to override this by holding down a keypress as the point is selected. So 'N' removes all snapping except Node snapping (E for endpoing, I for intersection etc.) and the cursor jumps to the _nearest_ node snap with a much larger snap radius. If the N is released it goes back to normal with all active snaps working and a smaller snap radius. This allows a rapid way to force the snap for a single point only.
2. Alternatively, how about using a key like 'TAB' to cycle between all the possible snaps within some radius of the cursor. The shape of the snap indicator, together with the tooltip text below could show which is being applied as the cursor jumps to the snap.
Hope this may have helped!
Kindest Regards, Alex
On Sun, 26 Oct 2008, J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
Hi Diederik,
Seems to work great!! Very nice work.
A long standing wish of me...: The snapping points should depend a bit on where the user clicks. If I want some point to snap to some gridpoint, I tend to click close to that point and drag it close to where I want it to snap. Does that make sense? I do not have a clear idea how to go about this; perhaps some "rating" of possible snaps with better rating for snaps occuring short distances away from the mouse cursor...
Cheers, Johan