On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, Jon Phillips wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
We considered either calling it 0.39.5 and keeping with the roadmap as is, or calling it 0.40 and bumping the roadmap a bit. I believe there was a rough concensus for the latter at the time - this still true?
I think few people will bother downloading 0.39.5. It sounds way too much like a bugfix release - not everyone reads Release Notes. Besides, long and unwieldy release numbers are a pain. 0.38.1 was enough to find that out :)
Yeah, IMO 0.40 is better and definitely a deserved full-point release.
Very well, 0.40 it is. I'll update the roadmap.
around. Bryce, do you think your GTKMM stuff will go in next release in full force? Others?
I don't know if I'd use the term 'full force' but yes it should go in after this release. I haven't been able to put as much time into it as I'd like this month but now that the warm weather's all gone, I expect that between now and the end of the year it looks like I'm going to have a more time again.
Most of the work that remains for Gtkmm is straightforward conversion stuff. If anyone would be interested in joining me on this after the release, just ask. We need both people to work on individual widgets and dialogs, and people to work at more meta-level across all dialogs. The only knowledge required is basic C++ and the ability to read the gtkmm.org website. ;-)
I don't think Windows users will agree to be treated as a "special situation" :)
Yes, win32 needs some love :)
Since we have a lot of Win32 users but a precious few Win32 developers, what could we do to increase the quantity of Win32 devs to better match the need? Would user-funded bug bounties help?