On Thursday 28 July 2005 12:43, Nicu Buculei wrote:
I think the preferences change after an upgrade is a non-issue: the application wide preferences are kept in ~/.inkscape/preferences.xml and are not affected by upgrade or even uninstall. Also, document level preferences are kept inside the document so not affected by upgrade.
Well, if the preferences save anything that has not been changed from its default setting, and then those preferences are re-loaded en-masse later, in a new version, thereby overriding different defaults, that creates problems. You can't change anything, without changing EVERYTHING. But I'm not certain as to whether Inkscape actually makes this mistake.
Here I can't follow you: is about more or less preferences to be saved inside the document?
It's about saving only what is helpful at a certain level, and allowing the rest to be inherited from a higher level.
I am not so sure about the reduction of code-duplication, as in the most cases application and document preferences are disjunct groups, for example why save inside the document (and bloat the file) settings like the default number of corners in a star or display style of gradient cues?
Well, let's say a team is working on a certain document, with lots of similar elements. You may want to be able to specify in the document itself that a default rectangle should have a certain rounding to the corners, without everyone having to manually specify that or copy it from existing items. It would be much easier to simply create a new rectangle according to the team's pre-chosen settings, if the document specified those settings.
Likewise, it would *not* be preferable to have another team member's choice of magnification or window size affecting your working environment, just because they are working on the same document.