2008/2/22, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...>:
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 17:59:45 +0100, "Aubanel MONNIER" <aubanel@...400...> wrote:
For me the only big question in terms of API is: should the colorspace
document specific or on a per color basis ? Is there any use case where you want to mix on the same document RGBs and CMYKs ? I don't think so,
but I
might be wrong.
The correct way to do this would be to specify an ICC profile to establish the document's color model, and then specify non-rgb colors as ICC colors.
How does this translate in terms of API ?
From what I've guessed from ./svg/svg-icc-color.h , could this be something
like surface_set_icc(char * name, icc* data); // attach an icc to a document and set_source_icc_color(context *cr, char * icc_name, float *color); Does icc handle alpha or should an additional alpha paremeter be present in set_source_icc_color ?
To get the ball rolling, what do you think if I setup a wiki page to put together something we could propose to the cairo ML ? -aubanel