Alan Horkan wrote:
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Mael wrote:
You still need to install gtk2 runtime from dropline (http://www.dropline.net/gtk/) first, then run the setup and run inkscape.exe (and enjoy :)
I've installed GTK-Runtime-Environment- which seems to be the most up to date version available but I'm not having any joy. Basically I dont think Inkscape is finding my copy of GTK properly.
Best you can do is add foo/GTK/2.0/lib to your path in the autoexec. A proposed by Mael (using batch file).
I get the following two errors INTL.DLL is linked to missing export ICONV.DLL:libiconv_set_location_prefix.
C:\Program Files\inkscape\inkscape.exe A device attached to the system is not functioning
I've tried unsuccessfully both inkscape-0.36cvs-setup.exe and the earlier inkscape-0.36-pre0-w32.exe
I'm running windows 98, but I will probably be able to test against windows 2000 this evening (and maybe Windows XP later in the week).
Alan Horkan
I already tried the new one on Win98 and Win2K and it works ok in this point. The problem with the font I already described. There is this one bitmap <print direct> garbage. (BUG)
The latest (beta2) sodipodi crashes on the file open dialog, but this is an other point.