bulia byak wrote:
On 12/8/06, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
But there are still a lot of questions around that: which things should it affect?
Exactly - that's what we need, an analysis of all the places a bbox is used/displayed with an assessment of whether that place should use stroke/blur or not.
That is definitely a good idea, to start this off I looked at the SVG specification to see what should be used for SVG, and if I read it correctly (Batik and Firefox seem to agree with me btw) Inkscape should at least ignore strokes when calculating bounding boxes for objectBoundingBox units:
"The bounding box is computed *exclusive* of any values for clipping, masking, *filter effects*, opacity and *stroke-width*."
See: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/coords.html#ObjectBoundingBox
I filed this as bug 1612108 (with a test case which shows the problem).
(Note that the SVG test suite apparently doesn't test this, I could only find tests that don't use stroke or use userSpaceOnUse units.)