Ralf Stephan wrote:
I understood Bulia's question to be asking about the pixel or px unit specifically and how it would be treated (screen vs absolute). If I'm wrong, I'd be less apt to call the removal of other units annoying than I would a leap backwards in usability.
Gross. A feature that will not be used must be even extended IYHO, making the dialog even more complicated.
Other than you, I think my measly work force is better applied to fixing real bugs than questionable backward leaps in usability. One goal of gtkmmification is to make dialogs more understandable. If I have succeded you should have no problem adding the feature.
But think of it: no one wants snapping to change behaviour when zooming.
It's quite obvious to me that I offended you and I'm very sorry for that. My statement was definitely worded too strongly.
I was just making an observation that we now have screen pixels or absolute pixels as options for snapping, but not the combobox containing the rest of the absolute units (in place of absolute pixels). We had it before, we don't have it now... that's all.
It ties into the argument I had originally that some people think relationally (unit-wise) to whatever they're working with. If one is working in inches, centimeters, or pixels, it helps to have every thing that deals with units (in general) work in a uniform manner. If I have my document set to inches, grid set to inches, can use the transform dialog with inches, and (as it ties to the document-wide unit) my rulers show inches as well... doesn't it make sense to have inches available for snapping (especially with the new snapping types)? That's the only thing I'm trying to communicate.
In my opinion, you have done a phenomenal job of simplifying the document properties dialog. It's clean, organized, and in general it makes much more sense and you can find things where you would expect them. I for one am greatly appreciative for the work you've put into this and sorry if it came across otherwise.
And for the record, I do agree that your workforce is probably much better spent on bug fixing or whatever else YOU want to work on rather than infinitely tweaking this dialog. If there isn't great opposition, I will look into replacing 'absolute pixel' with the absolute unit combobox (based on my reasoning above). Will people please chime in? I will not make this change if it isn't wanted, but it just seems to make sense to me and a few friends of mine who aren't on the list.
Again Ralph, I'm sorry for the way that comment came across. I truly would not want (nor have a reason) to offend/insult you or your work. I will try to be more cautious in the future and re-read before I send.