-----Original Message----- From: Arcadie Cracan [mailto:acracan@...400...] Sent: vrijdag 26 februari 2010 15:44 To: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; Engelen, J.B.C. (Johan) Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] NEW: LaTeX export for PDF/EPS/PS
I tried to use your extension in LyX. Here are some difficulties I'm having:
- my LaTeX doesn't detect correctly whether or not
"\svgwidth" is defined. It doesn't detect it as "@empty" when I don't define it. On the other hand testing it like this: "\ifx \svgwidth \undefined" works correctly. I don't really know much about LaTeX/TeX syntax/programming. Would it affect other users if you would use "\undefined" instead of "@empty" ?
Indeed, I found the same problem today and also found your fix. It has been fixed now, thanks!
- my ps output differs from the pdf output. In my pdf
output everything is ok, but in the ps output the text is shifted down. Is there something wrong with my LaTeX install (I use Ubuntu Jaunty packages) ? Or maybe for ps to work correctly I have to include some more packages? Actually this might also be related to the way LyX invokes LaTeX....
I haven't tried EPS/PS export extensively, I'll look into it.
- is it right to undefine the "\svgwidth" variable
(\global\ let \svgwidth @empty) ? I mean, if I set a global value (by putting at the beginning a "\def \svgwidth{...}", wouldn't it get reset after an "\input{some_file.tex}" (this is what happens to me - including twice the same drawing results in different sizes because "\svgwidth" is reset).
Yes indeed. But this is done on purpose. I had to invent a way to specify the width of one image, without specifying the width of the next image. That is why the exported tex file contains code to "forget" the \svgwidth value. Consider the following situation:
\begin{figure} \def\svgwidth{10cm} \input(image.tex} \end{figure} Lots of text in between. \begin{figure} \input(image2.tex} \end{figure}
The width of image2 is not specified, hence the original width should be taken, and *not* 10cm.
Thanks for testing! Johan