A very first Hello,
and many thanks for that awesome app! I'm an "OS Windows guy" and automation maniac, e. g. via AutoHotkey: AutoHotkey https://autohotkey.com /
Automation depends on hotkeys, shortcuts and unique identifiable windows (dialogs) with their controls. Ideally, there is an integrated command prompt interface or something comparable available in the app.
Concerning automating Inkscape 0.91, I have some first questions:
1. Missing/not unique hotkeys (the [Alt+_] combinations) in (main) menu items Is there a convenient way to add/change those h o t k e y s somewhere?
The shortcuts are saved in XML-files, like default.xml. Via Preferences -> Interface -> Keyboard the shortcuts are editable. I found preferences.xml and some folders here %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\inkscape and the XML-files in my local installation ...share\keys\default.xml
BUT exporting shortcuts crashes Inkscape.
2. gdkWindows and AutoHotkey I haven't any chance to access controls inside an gdkWindows via AutoHotkey. That's really a pitty.
3. Integrated command prompt interface or much better an non-modal (modeless) dialog with that interface
I'm aware of: 2 Extensions for Programmers: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Extension_repository#Extensions_for_...:
Interactive Python Shell extension? - InkscapeForum.com http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=10722
A Python quick-scripting extension - Sanjay Manohar http://www.smanohar.com/inkscape.php
Any additional hints?
Many thanks and greetings Udo