On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:29:10AM +0200, Marc Jeanmougin wrote:
On 17/08/14 09:48, Brynn wrote:
I recently subscribed to the user list, but I didn't even know about #inkscape user channel. That's an IRC channel...or....that's not
is it? (Sorry, I don't participate in the whole social media thing.) However, I'm quite familiar with messages posted in forums, and somewhat with messages posted in Launchpad Answers.
That's an irc channel, yes. irc://freenode/#inkscape There is an inkscape twitter but i don't know much about it (btw, maybe we should announce .48.5 on it)
On 16/08/14 21:38, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Similarly, if you follow the user list or the #inkscape user channel and see questions being asked a lot (and that sound likely to continue being asked long in the future), consider adding Q&A's for those.
From my experience on #inkscape, the two most asked questions on #inkscape are [hh:mm:00] *inkscaper424242<kiwiirc@...3144...> joins [hh:mm:15] <inkscaper424242> hi, can i ask a question ? [hh:mm:28] *inkscaper424242<kiwiirc@...3144...> quits [client quit]
Hah! Yes I've noticed this as well.
Don't know if it'll help but I added a sentence to the IRC applet page to encourage them to wait a bit if they ask a question.
"how to install on mac os x ? i downloaded the program and it won't launch"
I take it this is just "remember you need XQuartz installed first"? Perhaps the better solution would be to make the OSX installer check for XQuartz and prompt the user to install it (or offer to do it for them)?
- some "how to make it work with my [specific] cutting machine ?" from
time to time.
Ah, that's a good question to include in the FAQ.
I once had an Inkscape user actually find my phone number and call me (at work!) for help getting it working with a cutting machine.