i think it would be even more obvious if the docment metadata and licence were tabs in the Document Prefs...
but that is another change again...

i agree, having default metadata in the inskcape prefs is could easily lead to confusion and is redundant.


On 1/8/08, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
So, can anyone comment on this please? If no one comments I will roll
back this change.

On Jan 6, 2008 8:43 PM, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
> Can someone please explain to me why we need 2 new pages in prefs for
> default metadata and license?
> What's wrong with just changing the metadata and license in an empty
> document and saving it as a template?
> Saving as a template is not obvious? OK, just make it more obvious.
> Add a "save template" command for example.
> This solution is bad because it unnecessarily duplicates some very
> heavy pieces of UI, clutters the preferences, and generally makes the
> program look clunkier and less clean. It also utterly confuses the
> concepts of document preferences and program preferences, which should
> be kept as separate as possible.
> --
> bulia byak
> Inkscape. Draw Freely.
> http://www.inkscape.org

bulia byak
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