I've been looking for a convention we use as a recurring standard for Inkscape. It'd be nice to get enough of us (at least, in the U.S.) together in one place once a year to hack, chat, present, and plan.
I'd look for a convention that... * Is reasonably cheap * Is equally (in)convenient for all (centrally located) * Has an Open Source/Applications/Graphics focus * Has other geekily interesting stuff to do
This one caught my eye:
Linucon (October, 3 days - Austin, Texas - $20-45 reg, hotel $75/night) http://www.linucon.org/ - Mix of Open Source and Sci Fi / RPG. Guests include Eric Raymond, Steve Jackson, Howard Tayler of Novell/SuSE/Ximian, and Wil Wheaton. BOF's, LAN party's, art show, computer vendors, and LARP. So Kees could bring his Storm Trooper outfit *and* get OSDL to foot the bill, and mental could show off his Lunar8 comic and Inkscape and be doubly on topic. ;-)
There's also a similar Penguicon in Michigan in April. http://www.penguicon.org/
For something a bit more serious oriented there's a 2-day Desktop Linux Summit in San Diego in April, an OS/FS conference in Toronto in May, and the O'Reily Open Source convention here in Portland. There's also a bunch in Europe and one in Sydney, but that's a bit too long of a flight for me.
Anyway, if anyone else is interested, I think it'd be fun to pick a convention to try to get together at, and make it an annual event.
On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Jon Phillips wrote:
Anyone in the LA area for SIGGRAPH. Here is a form for free exhibits + passes. I'm going to go on MONDAY AUG 9. If anyone is there, then we could do a BOFA on INKSCAPE, or just meetup for some rip-off expensive lunch or supper in rip-off-cost land.
https://reg.jspargo.com/siggraph04/invitations/general/default.asp Guest Password: 1208