Hi Friends, I recently clicked the thumb up/down icon in gitlab merge request, responding to a mailing list message, which asked for a simple vote. And suddenly email is pouring in!
I finally found how to unsubscribe, but the checkbox for it is in a separate panel on the right side of the page, which scrolls separately from the main window. Since the checkbox is below the first page, and the panel scrolls separately, and the panel does not even have a scrollbar, it was hard to find. (had to zoom out)
Anyway, I've searched through all the personal settings I can find, without success. Is there some way not to subscribe to something by simply voting, and I just didn't find it?
If there's no way to change my personal settings, I wanted to ask if it would be possible to globally disable subscribing to the thing (merge request, issue, whatever) by simply voting.
Thanks, brynn