7 Jul
7 Jul
1:07 a.m.
On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 10:47:57PM -0700, Ted Gould wrote:
I've implemented all the of the .inkmod files to do this.
Basically it goes like this:
EPS -> PS -> Sketch -> SVG
Kind of convoluted, but most users won't have to see that. To see this work you'll need to have pstoedit, ghostscript, and Sketch installed.
Why is sketch needed? pstoedit can itself produce svg.
Looking in ~/.bash_history, it looks like I used
pstoedit -ssp -dt -f plot-svg <ps/eps/pdf file> blah.svg
One may need to add either -split (and change blah.svg to blah-%d.svg) or specify -page 1.