Dear Inkscape-devel,
I am not sure if this is a design decision, but when
I draw a cubic Bezier straight line on canvas, it would always
get converted to a linear segment (no tangent node handles)
automatically. This seems to happen in other scenarios
(specifically in LPE) as well.
This causes a little bit of an issue when I work on
an LPE that requires having cubic bezier output, even for
straight line, to maintain C1 smoothness across path segments.
However, this automatic conversion will break my curve
continuity, because I don’t have the tangent “node” to define
for a linear segment that is connected to a cubic segment.
In src/helper/geom, there is a method pathv_to_cubicbezier() that
does this conversion, but it’s tricky: the tangent handles are
somewhat “hacked” by adding small amount of offset to make the
curve actually not perfectly linear. Although visually it maybe
ok, but for scenarios that we care about precision, we may want
strict linear segment to retain as-is, even though it’s in cubic
Is there a way to turn this automatic conversion
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