On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 02:53:10PM -0800, Jon Phillips wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 14:11 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
It's great to see this program continuing again this year.
Just to illustrate how huge of an impact this project has had, last year Google funded two students to work for Inkscape on implementing 'gaussian blur'. Gaussian Blur is what allows things like drop shadows, feathering, blurring, etc. This was a very significant and challenging feature to get implemented, and required a good bit of effect to get it perfected, but those two students put in the bones for it.
To give an idea of how profoundly this has improved Inkscape, take a look at these examples, that almost seem photorealistic:
http://inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.45-volumetric-light.png http://inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.45-photorealistic-car2.pn... http://inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.45-cupoftea.png http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/45363866/
Thanks google! It will be exciting to see what advancements this year's GSoC students will produce. :-)
Heya all, I stubbed out a space on our wiki to brainstorm about good ideas (which some have done on the wiki). Please take a chance to help motivate that wiki page, edit out the old 2006 ideas (as it is currently just that list), and come up with some stellar ideas:
Anyway, the GSoC timeline is coming along quickly....fun!!!!
Some comments on the items listed there...
PDF Export: I think we found this ended up being more Cairo than Inkscape. I don't know if cairo is doing GSoC, but I'm betting that this one would be most successful if they were mentoring it directly.
Memory Optimization: We didn't get many submissions for this one last year. Maybe this needs to be more clearly defined?
Inkboard: Definitely agree more work's needed here. We've had good results from past GSoC efforts.
New Grids: There is development work underway on this, so if this is a GSoC project, we'd need to coordinate it.
SVG Filters: The listed tasks are done, but it could make sense to expand to more filters. What other filters would be worth doing?
Other ideas that might be appropriate as GSoC's...
* DOM work? * Refactoring more C chunks into C++? * Font selector stabilization * Animation experimentation / proof of concepts * 2geom integration * Multi-page SVG * Hyperlinking