On 04/16/2012 07:54 PM, Johan Engelen wrote:
On 16-4-2012 15:46, LucaDC wrote:
Johan, if I correctly understood, you're more interested in specifying what to snap to while you're not in specifying what should snap. I'm not. If you want to group sources, you should also agree in grouping targets, so: 1 button to snap "nodes, paths, handles, ..." to whatever and 1 button to snap whatever to "nodes, paths, handles, ...". That would be fair :) Every other solution would introduce differences that not everybody could find useful and agree on. That's why I'd propose a less differentiated main interface (1 button per group both as target and source) and a more detailed configurable one, to suit everybody needs (we were speaking about few buttons associated with full-free configurability, with all possible options available). Would this make you happier with the UI? ;)
I think that snapping is inherently asymmetric. While you have control over what will snap (by putting the mouse close to it), you have no quick control over what it will snap to. Enabling all snap sources is not very much different from enabling a few of them. Enable all snap targets will be uncontrollable. That's why I am in favor of an asymmetric interface. Example: to me it makes no sense to disable snapping of knots, because you can already quickly disable snapping while moving a knot by pressing shift. Snapping *to* knots is a different matter, and hence a toggle button :)
Cheers, Johan
While at all this, wouldn't it be nice to have, at least, an option to make snapping preferences inkscape specific, rather than document specific? I've lost hours and hours on clicking at not-that-small amount buttons.