7 Feb
7 Feb
9:24 a.m.
2016-02-07 7:34 GMT+01:00 Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@...400...>:
ReadTheDocs is a site that can build documentation and serve it online after every commit to a repository. We used to have something similar, but it ceased to work at some point.
I think it was set up on Jenkins as well but as you said in another email,
our Jenkins instance is not working properly (disk space available?).
It looks like it's fairly simple to mate Doxygen with ReadTheDocs (which uses the Sphinx documentation system) using a project called Breathe. http://breathe.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
I'll try to set this up for lib2geom tomorrow and report on the results.
Best regards, Krzysztof
ReadTheDocs is great; I haven't tried breathe.
Christoffer Holmstedt