On 9/24/05, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
Okay, I did this one long before SoC began, it can be redone again with connector tool and much less "cheating":
Would be cool too. Actually, the more different cool stuff you show on the screenshot the better. If there's too much stuff for one screenshot, make two :)
Well, maybe it would be better to sit down and write a tutorial on flowcharting in Inkscape. I hope Dia guys won't cut me into little pieces for that.
Of course, but better to do this after the tool becomes more full-featured and usable. Or you'll have to rewrite too much afterwards.
P.S. If only it was possible to select appropriate arrow heads from comboboxes in "Tool Controls" toolbar for pen/bezier/connector tools... Does anybody want an RFE for that?
Actually this needs to be a separate widget or toolbar: stroke width, style, and arrows. Perhaps next to a current color widget when we have it.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org