Removed crosspost, replying to the developer list only.
On Tue, 20 Jun 2006, Colin Marquardt wrote:
I finally wrote the report I wanted to write since weeks... :) http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Report_on_c%27t_article_12/2006
Besides Inkscape 0.43, the following programs were reviewed:
Microsoft Expression Grafic Designer CTP (formerly Acrylic) (http://www.microsoft.com)
They say Expression is likely to cost more than 100 EUR once it's out of its preview phase, so it would not belong in that test anymore.
The license agreement actually specifies that you must stop using the trial versions after six months or when the product is released. I don't recall if the free version of Creature House Expression 3 the released was full of restrictions too. Realistically there will be many people who will continue to use the product without paying for it. Price doesn't turn out to be as big a deal as you might think, I expect stricter license enforcement would benefit Free and Open Source software in the long run.
The text lists some highlights (both positive and negative) of each program, and for Inkscape, they were:
- uses SVG internally and thus is restricted to SVG features; so gradients are limited to linear or radial ones
It is a shame not to have more gradient types. I do hope developers can come up with a way of providing functionality than currently available in SVG without causing any horrible compatibility problems.
- bitmap export is limited to PNG
Given that GTK and gdkpixbuf supports more than just PNG I have long wondered at this odd limitation in Inkscape.
A quick search didn't turn up any request for Jpeg export (must have missed it, has to be there somewhere) but I did find a request for Gif support amongst others. There is definately quite a bit of interest in having support for raster formats and even layered graphic formats (PSD, MNG, and if you are talking about animation GIF really is layered too) http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1379365&gro...
(I've closed the above request for GIF but if anyone think it is ever realistically going to happen feel free to reopen the request.)
- SVG files are included only as a link, if one wants to send a drawing to someone else, one has to take care to manually include all necessary files
Presenting the existing inkjar package facility in a different way might help alleviate this problem, there was quite a long discussion on it already.
I'm now picking some of the good points of the other programs that they deemed worthy of mentioning:
- features for web designers (slicing, connect with links, rollover buttons)
SVG slice http://freshmeat.net/projects/svgslice/
The basic levels of animation required by SVG Tiny/Mobile would be enough for rollovers and the like
- animation features and export to animated GIFs
Mentioned GIF above.
- CAD capabilities for technical drawings (dynamic dimension lines)
Various requests in the tracker for both drawing functionality and DXF support but sometimes I wonder if users are just missing a good CAD program and reluctant to look.
- user-defined styles
- centrally defined colors that can be changed later (derived colors also change)
To my mind these go together. SVG should be capable of many kinds of style based tricks just as in HTML but I haven't yet seen any examples, maybe I should put in a request to CCS Zen Garden? http://www.csszengarden.com/
- hyphenation, spell checking, indentation, tabulators, multi-page documents
Later version of SVG include specifications for mulitpage documents. (I expect it the various pages would be shown using several tabs at the bottom of the document window much like how OpenOffice.org Draw and Microsoft Visio. Additional pages could possibly just as easily be shown in another palette as Layer are shown, which seems to be what the Mulitpage extension for Adobe illustrator does http://www.hotdoor.com/multipage/index.php)
when drawing a path, nodes (or even the node control points) can be moved without finishing the line first
dynamic guides
wasn't sure what the significance of "Dyanmic Guides" was so I looked it up in google (html version of Corel PDF):
(If I recall correctly Visio provided a limited but similar feature, when drawing a line temporarily appears at a 45 degree angle to help drawing perfect squares/circles etc.)
(Please keep in mind that I'm translating this from German, if something is unclear, just ask: colin (at) marquardt-home (dot) de)
Thanks for translating, sounded like an interesting article.
Alan Horkan
Inkscape http://inkscape.org Abiword http://www.abisource.com Open Clip Art http://OpenClipArt.org
Alan's Diary http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/