no,  put a bullet in them. 

we have a HSB  slider in our fill and stroke area for a reason.

regardless of the pattern,  having a large array of tweening swatches adds little extra inspiration and no extra usefulness.

We only get a few defaults, they need to be useful or inspirational.  not single/dual attributed space-suckers.shoot them dead :-)


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
Andy Fitzsimon wrote:

   Jasper's palette gets my vote as Inkscape's default palette. It is much
   more useful than the current default. (And I won't miss the three light


so what are the actions we can do today with no argument?

- replace the new default - remove the single hue palettes
- add android

anybody able to do this ?
I would but I'm still inbetween a move and havent got access to my workstation.

If nobody objects I could put a slightly improved (added Columns: 3 so it looks nicer in the swatches dialog) version of my palette in bazaar instead of the current default and add android quite easily.

As for the single hue palettes, I got the feeling there was still some discussion about which of them to remove and which of them to keep.