Hi all.
When we add a transform to a document the root layers become transformed.
I realy dont know why this transforms, is a unnecesary feature (basicaly the transform invert the document transform in the Y axis)
Sometimes a user want one direction and sometimes other, usualy is ignored because reposition of draw.
So in my point of view is better remove this "hidden" transform.
To put one place I find today this boring thing: * I do a mockup for a web * Copy a icon in it to a new doc * Resize document to s ex: 32x32px. * Move the icon to the center * Work on it big time * Going to publish but problems because your container layer has a transform ex: in Y=200.22414234 * Preview the file in browser. contours are not aligned to pixel even with PixelSnap extension * After sometimes maybe have look and find the way: 1.- remove layer transform 2.- move the nodes to final position with node tool (cross fingers is not a group, if is a group, deep ungroop and move all nodes (loose group nestings)) 3.- apply pixelsnap or rounder.
Any other has the same problem? Whats the comunity opinion to remove this transform?
Regards, Jabier.