Hi team,
I was not sure as where I was supposed to open this discussion (or question) of mine.
I was just wondering... I do know that it takes a lot of time, and money, and then more time, and probably a lot of revisions... but do you guys think we can try to aim making something similar to this?
https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/designer/workbook/This is a hard copy, printed, material that Affinity Designer, from the Serif company, sell. I confess I don't have a copy of this material (yet) as it seems it only exists, officially, in the printed version... but I saw some samples and was really inspired and eager to check if we could do something on our own more or less of the same kind.
We could try to use the Scribus to achieve such results.. and some open fonts (from Google and Adobe) and try to assemble 4 - 6 different big learning areas inside this Inkscape Activity Book.
They could be:
1. Creating isometric graphics, (there is a super sweet plugin that works wonderfully in Inkscape 0.91.2)
2. Vectorizing simple photos,
3. creating logos (or recreating famous ones (not sure this is allowed)), there are multiple AMAZING examples of this on Nick Saporito Youtube channel (
4. UX-UI design to create webpage (or mobile apps) mockups.