9 May
9 May
2:58 p.m.
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:34 PM, John Smith wrote:
Any thoughts on changes to the main menu layout ?
- Move "File->Inkscape Preferences" to "Edit->Preferences"
This seems to be the preferred location in the Gnome HIG http://developer.gnome.org/hig-book/3.4/menus-standard.html.en
- Move "Edit->Clone" to "Object->Clone"
Does this make more sense, since we are really cloning objects ?
- Split View menu (including Show/Hide submenu) into 2 menus - View (UI
"decorating" the main view) and Window (dockable dialogs)
View->Grid View->Snap View->Commands Bar View->Toolbox View->Rulers View->Scrollbars View->Palette View->Status Bar ... etc
Window->Icon Preview Window->Input Devices Window->Memory Window->Messages Window->Swatches Window->Show/Hide dialogs
- Merge "File->Document Metadata" into "File->Document Properties"
Personally I never understood why we splitted it before.
+1 on all points.
Alexandre Prokoudine http://libregraphicsworld.org