On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 16:21:32 -0700, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1798...> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:29:28PM +0100, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
livarot would probably not be worth the while to instrument with tests as it's scheduled for removal anyway.
I was wondering about that. I know the plan is to use Cairo for rendering, but for what parts exactly, and on what time scale? For example, would nr-compose also become redundant? And if the current renderer will probably remain to be used for one or two years it may still be useful to make sure it is in good shape.
The time frame I'm thinking is less than a year. Some aspects of the old system may remain where analogs in Cairo or 2geom don't exist, but I don't know offhand what those would be.
I think even the nr-composite stuff has analogs in libpixman.
The only thing unique to Inkscape that I can think of is bulia's compositing mode for rubber bands and such.