Have we actually agreed to announce?
Alexandre Prokoudine http://libregraphicsworld.org
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:01 AM, Luca Bruno <gnug.torte@...112...> wrote:
Hi all, so today I was again approached by a user puzzled by the fact that is shipped by most distro, yet our site still mentions 0.48.2 as latest stable. So I found myself a bit bold and proceeded with some action, after last discussion on this topic.
Just to recall a bit the issue, has been released as stable in February. Linux and Win packages were ready in June, and in July we had a short vote about the severe lack of .dmg, whose outcome was: «Make announcements and apologize, while explaining why we have left out a group of our users.» This was already two months ago, nothing went out...
So, today I first committed to the web SVN an update of all links and labels, then I drafted a short announce explaining what's going on: http://titanpad.com/8eew4Q6uo2
Next step is to publish the announce and run a publish_web.sh to make it public, as I don't have powers to do this.
I'm sure it could be polished/expanded a bit, as I'm neither a native speaker nor the usual PR guy. But I fear that delaying this even more is damaging the project, so please let the ball start rolling.
Ciao, Luca