5 Nov
5 Nov
6:24 a.m.
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, MenTaLguY wrote:
FWIW, there's an important difference of purpose between <title> and inkscape:label...
<title> is an accessibility feature for end-users (e.g. to provide brief descriptions for folks using assistive technology) -- <desc> is its "longer" equivalent.
Conversely, inkscape:label is intended for names and annotations that need only be meaningful to the content author. You've probably seen the weird notations that some graphic designers like to use for their layer names in Gimp, Illustrator, or Photoshop. inkscape:label provides a place for that so they don't go trying to cram it into id or <title> instead.
<title> and inkscape:label sound redundant to me.