On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Johan Engelen <jbc.engelen@...2592...>wrote:
It is 1 x 1, because the document unit is inches. No need to specify inches. But indeed, if you would write "1in" it should give the same result in this case. I think that is a bug that it does not do so at the moment.
Mixed unit functionality was intentionally left out for now.
You're right; it is a bug. It's a result of Inkscape using a fixed pixel to real world unit ratio. Per my reading of the SVG spec, the SVG user agent should determine the size of 1px, i.e. 1 user unit, and set the other unit ratios accordingly. In this case, since the document size is specified in real world units and a viewBox is set, Inkscape should calculate the size of one px from this and set the size of 1in to be 1px. However, Inkscape's current behavior of using a fixed 90px/in ratio is consistent with Firefox, Chrome, GIMP, Eye of GNOME, and gThumb (everything I tested).