If the connectible outline is defined as a list of path+distance +layout_hint structs, specific to each object template, anchor points could just be zero size paths. For objects that are allowed to change aspect ratio or shape, having the outline path segmented would also prevent the connection points to shift to unintended locations on the outline when changing the aspect or shape. In addition the template designer would have maximum freedom in the layout of the set of connectable points, like allowing points inside of the shape or at a specific distance to the shape, to become anchor points or anchor paths.
Each object/shape template probably will have very different and unforeseen requirements. As a generic preset for all templates, the full outline probably is a more general concept than betting on some idea of possibly useful points.
Am Samstag, den 01.10.2011, 10:40 -0700 schrieb Jon Cruz:
The zero-to-one-distance-along-the-path was a key aspect that has come up a few times. That's fairly consistent with other SVG features. It would be very good to have support for sliding these in the UI, and thus be able to reuse it both for connector points and for text-on-path anchor points.
One thing to keep in mind, though, is that very often people will want the anchor points to stay at fixed locations on the shape. For diagramming this often starts with top, bottom, left, right.