Hi everyone! Sorry I "disappeared" for a short time while I finished my school projects. I still read incoming list emails, but didn't get a chance to go onto IRC.
I'm still planning on attending LGM. I intend to leave Ottawa early Friday morning to make it for the second or third talk of the day. I am staying at the residences (the cheap rooms advertised). I signed up on the LGM website, and said I'd be attending the dinner Friday night, though I don't know any of the details yet. I assume all will be revealed on arrival.
Looking forward to meeting you all! Hopefully you can find me based on my photo here http://www.scs.carleton.ca/~gbanaszk/ or here http://www.scs.carleton.ca/~peerhelp/Gail2.png. I probably won't be wearing glasses because I can see better with contacts. I should be able to find some of you since there are a few talks from Inkscape devs ;)