With 0.40 tagged and branched, it's safe to go back into the water. Regular development can resume now.
Thanks to everyone who worked at putting out this release, it is going smoothly, and we don't expect any issues. Presently the focus is on packaging, distributing, and PR.
Going forward, the plan is to take a good long break for the month of December. If you're worn out from Inkscape development, please disappear and rejoin us when your batteries are recharged!
If you're itching to do some coding, scratch away. I'm going to be working on the Gtkmmification stuff, and would welcome anyone wishing to join in on this; the code is in the experimental CVS module currently, and it'll be integrated into the main codebase in the coming weeks.
(Note: Since we added several dependencies in the 0.40 release, it would probably be wise to hold off a bit on adding new ones until we see how these do. If you need to add a new dependency, please get a concensus with the other developers before doing so.)