Am 02.09.2018 um 22:17 schrieb Jabier Arraiza:
Hi, what about loading icons in PNG instead SVG? I think it speedup launch.
Could you clarify what you mean by "loading icons in PNG"? a) Do you want to ship pre-rendered versions of the SVG icons? Or b) Do you want to pre-render PNGs from the shipped SVGs as part of the installation process / first launch sequence? c) Do you simply want to cache the rendering at runtime?
If a)/b) I feel like the slight increase in startup time might not worth the duplication of the content and complexity and maintenance effort (especially as we'd need multiple resolutions to account for all possible user-settable icon sizes and scaling factors on high DPI displays and it might be easy to still miss some in the end).
If c) we actually had some code for pre-rendering/caching icons previously (see the preference "Pre-render named icons", i.e. "/options/iconrender/named_nodelay") which is dead/unused now. If it helps performance it might be worth investigating to revive it. Otherwise it should probably be removed at some point.
Best Regards, Patrick