Bob Jamison wrote:
One thing I noticed is the Node Editor icon, which seems to be the previous "symmetric node" icon. Is this just a placeholder for the mockup? It has no indication of editing. Just IMVHO. :)
The indications for editing are the handles ;) You can find the same concept in Xaraxtreme.
I didn't like the current solution... The arrow is a bit strange and don't really look like a classical arrow. And I think it has the same problem has others icons in Inkscape: to many elements to describe an action.
I had the choice between 2 solutions: 1. the white arrow. I think it have been introduced by Adobe and it is now well know in computer users mind has "node/bezier editing". 2. something closer to what bezier editing looks like: a curve with 2 handles.
I chose the second solution. But it's clear that I have to change the "symmetric node" icon now...